Wednesday, December 14, 2011



Once in a while your Daddy is curious as to how many people actually come to read your little corner of cyberspace. Well, as of 2:15 p.m. here in Greenbelt, there have been 8,547 page views. That does not translate into 8,547 people, but it does mean that a great number of people find something compelling, meaningful, or helpful, or quite possibly offensive or having that train wreck quality in which you just have to look. Either way, it just amazes me that my conversations with sharing a small window into what it is like to be your Daddy from conception through birth, and then through death and the aftermath since...touch so many people in whatever way they do.

When Daddy started this blog, he did so for two reasons: first, to keep you "alive" in any way possible, and second, to get all the negative thoughts out of Daddy's head. Now, this has become a place of refuge in many ways for Daddy...a place to still achieve the first two objectives, but also a place of sharing information, getting to know other Dads (and Moms) who have similar experiences, and a place to help find and share information (and hopefully answers one day) regarding SIDS in order to help others, as well as your Dad better cope with SIDS itself and the people around us better educate themselves in regards to dealing with SIDS parents. It is kind of funny how these things take varying paths as they evolve.

Anyway, if in Daddy's ramblings, rantings, musings, and sharing any one of those 8,547 page views helped someone or lots of people, it has been worth the criticism, misunderstandings, and people gained and lost as a result of sharing you and my thoughts. None of these posts will ever bring you back, but if they help ease someone's pain or even prevent another SIDS death, then Daddy will keep posting and keep trying to find and share information that may lead to answers and finally peace and rest for the many hearts and minds of parents who have endured the death of their child(ren).

I love you very much!


  1. I think parents who havae lost their child seek out other parents who have lost their child as well - the understanding of what happened is built-in, only the stories are different.

    No one else understands why we want to "keep our child alive".

    The only way we can create a new memory with our deceased child is to talk abou them and many people are uncomfortable with that.

  2. Keep it up Steven. I, for one, use your posts to remind myself I'm not the only Dad that has been completely torn to shreds this past year. Thank you for remaining diligent with your daily postings. It's been a catalyst to get me to start thinking about writing again.
