Sunday, October 16, 2011

12 Years

Hey Colin,

Mommy and I started our weekend with a backed up main drain line for our anniversary weekend. The restaurant (which claimed lunch hours) was closed, and everything seemed to be going in the wrong direction. However, we did manage to salvage the day, find a nice restaurant, and enjoy some time to ourselves. I just wanted to include you in on the news that even when plans go awry and Mommy and Daddy get a bit fussy with each other...that after 12 years of marriage, we still love each other very much.

So, from your Daddy to your Mommy...Happy 12th Anniversary. Love, Steven

And to you much love as always,

p.s. Ava and Colin wish you one too.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were able to salvage your day. Happy Anniversary.
