Thursday, May 3, 2012

Annual Walk for SIDS


Daddy is renting some of your space to the Center for Infant and Child Loss today to remind people of the SIDS walk this weekend, May 5, 2012.
The Annual Walk/Run For SIDS & Child Loss is held the first Saturday in May- rain or shine- at Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis, MD. Participants can choose either the 1, 3, or 7 mile tree lined, course that overlooks the South & Harness Rivers. Participants come from all over the metropolitan Baltimore/Washington areas to join in the Walk/Run for SIDS & Child Loss. We encourage families, individuals and "team" support. Talk to your employer about forming a team today.

The purpose of the Walk/Run for SIDS and Child Loss is to provide an opportunity for bereaved parents in Maryland to come together in a tranquil setting to remember the children they have lost, to raise awareness of the causes of infant and child death and to help create a compassionate response from the community. The Center is instrumental in supporting research or developing research relating to SIDS, infant safe sleep initiatives and bereavement support efforts. Funds raised help to provide counseling services to families and bereavement and risk reduction materials. Scholarships are available for those seeking to attend but cannot afford registration fees.
All links for registration and donations can be found on via the link provided at the top of this post.

Thank you to any and all who support this worthy cause.

Give us all a good day, son.

I love you!

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